Amelia's First Bath

Amelia's first bath was successful.  She seemed pretty indifferent about it.  Greg is much better at giving her a bath than I am.  Because she is so floppy, it was difficult for me to hold her in one hand and wash her back side.  Greg picked her up and flipped her over so she was resting in his hand and forearm and was able to wash her that way.  I'm definitely not strong enough to do that.

It's almost impossible to get her to lift up her head or move her elbows away from her body, so cleaning under her chin and armpits is always a battle.

I should have brought a large cup upstairs to rinse her off, but I forgot.  Instead Greg improvised and held her under the faucet to rinse off.  She actually seems to really like that.  He's been bathing her that way ever since.  

We got a little butterfly towel so she can keep warm during the bath.  
She loves her swaddle towel.  

Amelia's First Walk

A few days after coming home from the hospital, we went for our first family walk.  Although she was born at the end of February, it wasn't cold in Oklahoma.  Apparently I'm still used to the Chicago weather because all the cute fleece newborn outfits I bought would have made her too warm when it's in the lower 70s outside.

Before we left, I took a picture outside our house next to the "It's A Girl" sign my mom had placed on our lawn.

We decided that we'd take Mia with us since she was basically all alone for a few days.  She seemed excited to get out as she did her usual sprint instead of walk.  As seen in the picture below, Amelia slept the whole time.

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