1 Month

1 month old - March 26, 2016

Amelia's Stats:

Height - 21 inches
Weight - 8lbs 9oz
Head Circumference - 14.49 inches

She was really good at this doctor's appointment, mostly because there were no shots.

Milestones - At 1 Month Amelia can...
- Lift her head up when she's on her tummy (she could do this from birth)
- Smile (she started smiling at us at around 3 weeks)

About 2.5oz of breastmilk every 2 hours.

- Naps on and off during the day.  She still sleeps for most of the day.
- Sleeps at night from about 8pm-12am, 12:30am-3am, 3:30am-6am, and 6am-9am.

- Being held
- Baths
- Her Wubbanub

- Tummy Time
- Going in the carseat
- The sun in her eyes


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